Privacy Policy

JumpFly's Control Tower App's use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

The only data that JumpFly will collect is for the sole purpose of prodiving services to the user, and is very limited in scope, for example:

Logging into the dashboard:

In order to log in to the dashboard via the "Login With Google" button, we must collect your name and e-mail address from your Google account.
That data is stored locally in our own database for the purpose of allowing you to log in and use the system.

Authorization for Google Services (Connecting your Google Ads account):

In order to retrieve the necessary data required to display performance metrics, and account recommendations to the end-user, we must collect the following information and store it locally in order to provide services:

  • Your Google Ads Account Customer ID (CID)
  • Your Google Ads Account Name
  • Your Google Ads Account E-Mail Address

We will never collect information that is not required for the use of the system, and will never share this information with any third parties you did not previously authorize us to share with.

Removal of permissions is easy:

If at any time, you wish to revoke our authorization to any of these components, you may do so easily by visiting